
Check out what I am up to!


If job hunting was a meme it would be this...

If job hunting was a meme it would be this...

Follow me on the meme journey for some giggles of job hunting in current times and the disaster it is at times.

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How to handle job seeking rejection hell!

How to handle job seeking rejection hell!

How to deal with applying for roles and just getting automated rejection responses.

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Man writing own compiler seeks Woman

Man writing own compiler seeks Woman

For a long time I've been wanting to write my own programming language...

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Help those in need...

Help those in need...

For the last month or so now I've been helping at with a community interest company (CIC) called Quiet Connections.

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Dumb Dog goes out for a public walk...

Dumb Dog goes out for a public walk...

Dumb dog repo is opened up to the public. It's still certainly an alpha build but it's getting there.

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You dumb dog!

You dumb dog!

So I wrote a CMS a few years back and I was going to opensource it. I still might but for now ITS ALL MINE! So I wrote this instead.

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Plonky is coming along nicely. It's been a fun little challenge trying to figure out how to run an app as a PHP module.

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When you drink too much and think you can write an app better than another in a lang not really design for it.

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